Model 200 Offset-Locked Iodine-Stabilized He-Ne Laser


The Model 200 laser was designed to remedy the complications that arise when using an intra-cavity iodine-stabilized laser for high accuracy interferometric measurements. It boasts the same accuracy and frequency stability as the Model 100 Iodine-Stabilized laser, but with a significant increase in output power and without the presence of frequency modulation. It accomplishes this by frequency stabilizing a second He-Ne laser to an iodine-stabilized laser cavity, effectively transferring the frequency accuracy and stability of the iodine-stabilized laser to the higher power, “offset-locked” laser. For convenience, the two laser cavities are located in a single housing, along with all the optics and electronics needed to stabilize both lasers. The result is a very compact, tightly integrated system. As with the Model 100, the Model 200 laser is completely automatic, allowing unattended operation and use by “non-specialists.” An optional single-mode fiber optic output provides flexibility when integrating the laser into experimental setups – especially non-laboratory applications such as absolute gravimetry.

        Geophysical Measurements (absolute g-meters)
        Precision Measurements
        Laser Spectroscopy

Key Specifications:
        Frequency Accuracy
                2.5 parts in 1011 absolute frequency accuracy (12 kHz)

        Frequency Stability (Allan Variance):
                1 x 10-11        1 s
                3 x 10-12        10 s
                1 x 10-12        100 s
                3 x 10-13        1000 s

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